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Forage Publications

Forage and forage-related publications which forage and livestock managers may find useful are available in PDF format.

Information is available for: Forages, Livestock, Soil, Water, Weeds, and Wildlife

Forages and Pastures

Bahiagrass Utilization in East Texas

Bermudagrass Decline

Bermudagrass - Stockpiling

Bermudagrass/Bahiagrass - Stockpiling for Fall/Winter Grazing

Bermudagrass Varieties, Hybrids and Blends for Texas

Establishing Cool-Season Annual Grasses

Establishing Tifton 85 Bermudagrass

Forage Establishment Fundamentals

Forage Establishment, Management, and Utilization Fundamentals

Forages for Texas

Forage Legume Management Guide

Forage Species for Texas

Forage Sorghum - Six Year Summary

Forage System Development and Use

Forages: They’re Good For Life

Handling Hay after a Hurricane or Flood

Hay Production in Texas

Marketing Hay by Nutritive Value and Weight

Matching Enterprises to Resources

Native Grassland Monitoring and Management

Nitrates and Prussic Acid in Forages

Nitrogen Fertilizer: What Should I Use?

Nitrogen Fixation - Biological

Overseeding Annual Ryegrass on Warm Season Pastures

Pasture Management Following Saltwater Intrusion

Pasture Plants - Using Goals and Profitability to make selections

Planting Winter Annual Legumes

Winter Pastures (Annual) for East Texas

Horses and Livestock

Horse Care and Management Tips for Flooded Areas

Reducing Bacteria -Access Control

Reducing Bacteria - Livestock Building Location

Reducing Bacteria - Livestock Fencing

Reducing Bacteria -Livestock Filter Strips

Reducing Bacteria - Livestock Heavy-Use Area Protection

Reducing Bacteria - Livestock Mineral Locations

Reducing Bacteria - Livestock Prescribed Grazing

Reducing Bacteria - Livestock Roof Runoff Structure

Reducing Bacteria - Livestock Shade Structures

Reducing Bacteria -Livestock Stream Crossings

Reducing Bacteria - Livestock Waste Storage Facility

Reducing Bacteria - Livestock Waste Utilization

Reducing Bacteria - Livestock Watering Facility

Reducing Bacteria - Water Harvesting Catchment

Reducing Winter Feeding Costs – SCS-2000-23


Conservation of Soil Resources on Lands Used for Grazing

Non-Traditional Soil Additives: Can They Improve Crop Production?

Soil Acidity and Liming. – SCS-2001-06

Soil Acidity Management – SCS-2001-05

Soil pH and Forage Production - SCS-2013-11

Testing You Soil: How to Collect and Send Samples


Drought Preparations

Disposal of Medicines

Environmental Impacts of Drugs and Person Care Products

Lone Star Healthy Streams - Beef Cattle

Lone Star Healthy Streams - Dairy

Lone Star Healthy Streams - Feral Hogs

Lone Star Healthy Streams - Horse

Lone Star Healthy Streams - Poultry

Water Quality Cost Share and Technical Assistance Programs


Chemical weed and brush control reference guide for rangeland

Flag the Technology with maroon

Herbicides Labeled for Pasture Use –SCS-2001-14

Herbicide Rainfastness

Managing Introduced Bluestem Grasses

Noxious Weed Alert

Weed Control in Pastures and Forages ESC-024

Weed and Brush Management in Texas - SCS-2013-14

Weed Control for Newly Sprigged Bermudagrass 0713 - SCS-2013-04


Dove Hunting and Normal Agriculture Operations in Texas - How to Legally Provide Food Sources and Improve Hunting Opportunities - EWF-104

Normal Agriculture Operations and Dove Hunting in Texas E-569

Tax Valuation for Wildlife Management

Waterfowl Hunting and Baiting Restrictions

White-Tailed Deer - Supplemental Feeding

Wildlife Habitat Management Using Individual Plant Treatment

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